Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010

Characteristics - Louis Charles, King Of Sang Noir

Full Name: Charles Louis, King Of Sang Noir (born as Louis Charles de Bourbon, Dauphin de Viennois)

Known as: (King) Charles Louis or Charles Louis The Embittered (french: Charles Louis L'amertume). This name is because of the many losings in his life.

Date of Birth: 27.3.1785

Place Of Birth: Versailles

Parents: Marie Antoinette (born 1755 as Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna in Vienna, died 1793 in Paris), Queen Of France

Louis XVI (born 1754 in Versailles, died 1793 in Paris), King of France

Nationality: French / Austrian

Relationship status: Unmarried. (He was engaged to Vivienne for a short time and supposed to marry Adrienne.)

Children: None

History: Charles Louis is the child of Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette. After the dead of his parents he was kept in captivity and heavily abused.

In 1795, at the 7th june, the vampire king Francois found the almost dead ten year old Charles.

Francois took the boy with him. When the prison guards noticed that the boy was gone, they killed another little boy and described him to be Charles.

So Charles was brought to the court. Francois and Elise adopted him as their son and coddled him up. Francois teached him the etiquette and conventions of the vampire court. He transformed him in 1803, at the age of 18, and he made him the dauphin of Sang Noir. In 1807 he fell in love with Archduchess Vivienne for a short time. They had a short, but hot affair - at the court it was a scandal. Because of this and for political reasons Francois told Charles to marry Vivienne. They were engaged, but Charles was irritated by her doggedness. When Francois died, Charles was left in deep dolefulness. He canceled his affiance and promised to himself, that he never will love again.

He had many affairs - for example with Lady Caroline and Lady Jeanne (who are now the mistresses of Jean-Philippe), Princess Cécile (this short liaison hurted Adrienne for life) and a human woman named Ariana. Since he was king he has a big argument with the archduke-siblings - the bodily children of Francois. The archdukes want to rule the vampires and handle themselves as the lawful kings.

Just with Louis Francesco he has a nearly amicable measure.

Charles also still mourns his fleshly parents, Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. Up to hundred years after his transformation he was assured that his mother is also a vampire and still alive. But since the beginning of the 20th century he has no hope anymore. Historians and contemporary witnesses describe Marie Antoinette as a lordly, silly, wasteful person, but Charles denies these charges.

Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010

Characteristics - Lady Jeanne

Full Name: Lady Jeanne (Countess and Court Lady)

Known as: (Lady) Jeanne

Date Of Birth: 7.7.1902

Place Of Birth: Lyon, France

Nationality: French

Parents: Bernadette Beauvier (Father Unknown)

Relationship Status: Mistress of Archduke Jean-Philippe.

Any other business: Her biggest wish is to rule the vampires by the side of Jean-Philippe.

She hates Lady Caroline.

Montag, 29. November 2010

Characteristics - Lady Caroline

Full Name: Lady Caroline (Countess and Court Lady)

Known as: (Lady) Caroline

Date Of Birth: 27.1.1322

Place Of Birth: Northern England

Nationality: British

Parents: Count and Countess of Baskley (They belonged to the lower nobility.)

Relationship Status: Mistress of Archduke Jean-Philippe.

Any other business: One of the oldest vampires at the court. Transformed as a 15-year old girl.

Sonntag, 28. November 2010

Characteristics - Lady Anne, Human Duchess Of Sang Noir

Full Name: Lady Anne, Human Duchess Of Sang Noir (born as Anne Constance leBlanc)

Known as: Lady Anne or "The Human" or "The Undesirable" (french: "Etre Humain" / "Le Indésirable". The last name is because the most vampires didn't want a human woman at the side of their king and at the court.)

Date Of Birth: 1.10.1572

Day Of Death: 13.9.1599

Place Of Birth: Toulouse, France

Place Of Death: Palais De Bouton de Rose

Parents: Unknown, Anne grew up at her aunt's (A Duchess) home.

Nationality: French

Relationship status: At the age of fourteen she was supposed to be married Felipe II of Spain, but this plans were crossed by the Duke Laurent, who made her his wife. But he raped her many times and after all Anne killed him. Then she met the Vampire King Francois and became his mistress.

Children: With Francois:

Vivienne (*1590), Jean-Philippe(*1593) and Louis Francesco (*1599)

Characteristics - Vivienne, Archduchess of Sang Noir

Full Name: Vivienne Anne, Archduchess of Sang Noir

Known as: Vivienne or "The Bloody Half Vampire Archduchess" (french: "Le sanglante demi-vampire archiduchesse". This is because Vivienne loves to kill.)

Date Of Birth: 1.2.1590

Place Of Birth: Palais De Bouton De Rose

Nationality: Italian / French

Parents: Francois, King Of Sang Noir from 1588 to 1809

Lady Anne, Human Duchess of Sang Noir

Siblings: Jean-Philippe (*1593) and Louis Francesco (*1599)

Relationship Status: In 1808, at the middle of the two year enduring vampire war, she was engaged to King (Dauphin at this time) Charles Louis for political reasons. But in 1809, after Francois' Death, the affiance was canceled.

Any Other Business: At the court Vivienne is known for her affinity to her mother.

Characteristics - Jean-Philippe, Archduke of Sang Noir

Full Name: Jean-Philippe, Archduke of Sang Noir

Known as: Jean-Philippe or "Jean The Edacious" (french: "Jean Le Insatiable")

Date Of Birth: 3.3.1593

Place Of Birth: Palais de Bouton de Rose

Nationality: Italian / French

Parents: Francois, King Of Sang Noir from 1588 to 1809

Lady Anne, Human Duchess Of Sang Noir

Siblings: Vivienne (*1590) and Louis Francois (*1599)

Relationship Status: Unmarried, but he lives with two mistresses : Lady Jeanne and Lady Caroline.
Any other business: Jean-Philippe hates Charles Louis, the current king of Sang Noir. Jean-Philippe thinks that he himself is the lawful heir to the throne.

Characteristics - Louis, Archduke of Sang Noir

Full Name: Louis Francesco, Archduke of Sang Noir

Known as: Louis or Francesco or "The Half One" (french: "Le demi". That's because he is half human and half vampire. Because this circumstance he isn't a prince.)

Date Of Birth: 12.9.1599

Place Of Birth: Palais de Bouton de Rose

Nationality: Italian / French

Parents: Francois, King Of Sang Noir from 1588 to 1809

Lady Anne, Human Duchess of Sang Noir (died in 1599)

They never were married. Lady Anne was the mistress of Francois.

Siblings: Vivienne (*1590) and Jean-Philippe (*1593)

Relationship status: Engaged with Cécile, Princess of Sang Noir. When they will be married, Louis becomes prince.

Characteristics - Cécile, Princess Of Sang Noir

Full Name: Cécile Marie, Princess Of Sang Noir (Born as Cécile Marie, Duchess of Bretagne. She didn't became a princess because Louis XV didn't legitimated her.)

Known as: Cécile or Princess Cécile or "Cécile the Lucent" (french: "Cécile le lumineuse")

Date Of Birth: 3.12.1742

Place Of Birth: Castle of Versailles

Parents: Elise Of Sang Noir, Queen

Louis XV (*1710 in Versailles, died 1774 at the same place), King Of France from 1715 to 1774

They weren't married, Elise was just a mistress.

Nationality: French

Siblings: Adrienne (*1737)

Relationship status: Engaged with Louis, Archduke of Sang Noir and son of Francois

Characteristics - Adrienne, Princess Of Sang Noir

Full Name: Adrienne Oceane, Princess Of Sang Noir (born as Adrienne de la Roche)

Known as: Adrienne or Princess Adrienne or "Adrienne The Unintentional" (french: "Adrienne Le Involontaire")

Date Of Birth: 8.8.1737

Place Of Birth: Maison de la Roche, Paris, France

Parents: Elise of Sang Noir (born 1720 as Elisabéth Blanchard in Paris), Queen

Henri de la Roche (born 1717 in Paris), rich merchant and Count de La Roche

Married from 1736 to 1739 (Marriage canceled)

Nationality: French

Siblings: Cécile (*1742)

Relationship Status: Unmarried (Elise and Francois wanted Charles Louis to marry Elise, but he didn't want to. Because of this Adrienne is called "The Unintentional".)

Characteristics - Elise du Morel, Queen Of Sang Noir

Full Name: Elise du Morel, Queen Of Sang Noir (born as Elisabéth Blanchard, then she married and became Elisabéth de la Roche. On the royal court of France the king named her Madame Elise du Rosé)

Known as: (Queen) Elise, "Elise The Beauty" and since the death of the king"Elise The Cold-Hearted" (french: "Elise La Belle" / "Elise l'impitoayble")

Date Of Birth: 3.3.1720

Place Of Birth: Paris, France

Parents: Marie Blanchard (born 1704 as Marie Brun in Paris, died 1720 at the Birth of Elise), tailor

Philip Blanchard (born 1697 in Paris, died 1731 at the same place), host

Married since 1719

Nationality: French

Relationship Status: Married (1753) with Francois du Morel, King Of Sang Noir (In her human times Elise was married with Henri de La Roche (+1803), a french count.)

Children: With Henri de La Roche:

Adrienne (*1737)

With Louis XV (Illegitimate) : Cécile (*1742)

With Francois: Charles Louis (Adoptive Child, *1785)

History: Elise was born in a very poor family. Her mother died at the childbed fever, her father was an alcoholic. At the age of six she was adopted by her aunt second class, Countess du Fitzroy, who had her country estate near Versailles. At the age of sixteen she was married with Count Henry de La Roche. Soon after she gave birth to her first daughter, Adrienne. One year later it happened ; Henri lost all his money. He sent his wife and his daughter to the french court, where Louis XV made Elise his mistress. Elise gave birth to a daughter, named Cécile. She was not legitimated, and that made Elise angry. Ten years later, 1752, another mistress who was jealous on Elise, told Louis XV, that Elise didn't like the King and just spends time with him for money. Soon after that, Louis banished Elise from the court. In punishment of her reputed conclusions he kept Elise's daughter on the court. He sent Elise to a abbey. But on the way the carriage was attacked and destroyed. Elise, hurt, kept laying on the wayside. But then Francois found her, fell in love with her and made her his queen. Four years later, Elise still mourned her two daughters. Some of the King's warriors stormed Versailles at the night and brought Elise's daughters. She made them vampires.

Elise lived a happy life on the vampire court by the side of her husband and her children. Her happiness came to an end, when Francois was killed. Since this day Elise is called "Elise the Cold-Hearted".

Characteristics - Joanne Henderson

Full Name: Joanne Sophie Henderson

Known as: Joanne

Date of Birth: 7.6.1995

Place Of Birth: Rome, Italy

Current Location: Galway, Ireland

Parents: Anne Henderson & Ciaran Henderson, married since 1994

Nationality: Irish / French / Scottish

Siblings: Rosemaria (*1993)

Callum (*1998)

Georgiana (*2004)

Education: Townsend Primary School (2001-2009)

Cavendish Secondary School (2009-2015)

Favourite Subject: Arts

Samstag, 27. November 2010

Characteristics - François du Morel, King of Sang Noir

Full Name: Francois I. du Morel, King of Sang Noir (born as Francesco I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany)

Known as: Francois or "Francois The First" or "Francois The Savior" (french: Francois Le Premier / Francois Le Sauveur)

Date of Birth: 25.3.1541

Day of Death: 2.10.1809

Place Of Birth: Florence, Italy

Place Of Death: Palais de Bouton de Rose, Bretagne

Parents: Cosimo I. de' Medici (born 1519)

Eleonora Di Toledo (born 1521)

Nationality: Italian / Spanish

Relationship status: Married (1753) with Elise, Queen of Sang Noir
(In his human times Francois was married to Johanna of Austria.
When he became a vampire, he had a human mistress named Anne. She died in 1599.)

Children: With Johanna of Austria :
Eleonora,Romola,Anna,Isabella,Lucrezia,Maria, Fillipo.

With Anne, Human Duchess of Sang Noir:
Vivienne (*1590), Jean-Philippe (*1593) and Louis (*1599)

With Elise, Queen Of Sang Noir:
Charles Louis (Adoptive Child, *1785)

History: Francois became a vampire in 1587, when he went out for a walk in the forest. He founded the Vampire Court in 1588 and became king. He builded the Palais De bouton de Rose in Bretagne. In 1589 he was attracted to the french girl Anne, who was at this time only seventeen years old. He made her his mistress and made her a Duchess, without transforming her into a vampire. He drank only her blood. Anne gave birth to three of Francois' children, Vivienne, Jean-Philippe and Louis, who are half vampire, half human and live at the Vampire court as archdukes. In 1599, at the birth of Louis, Anne died. The court wasn't sad because they didn't want any humans, except for meal.
In 1752, when Francois was out looking for victims, he found a woman laying on the wayside.
It was Elise, a former mistress of Louis XV. She was bannished from the royal court.
Suddenly Francois fell in love with her, married her and made her his queen.
1795 he found the son of the dead kings, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, in his prison cell. He rescued the boy and took him to the court. Many years he teached him and armed him to the vampire life. When Charles was eighteen years old, he made him a vampire. Six years later, after the two year enduring war between the court and the anarchic vampires, a fire appeared in the rooms of the king. He died and left the whole court, especially Elise, his children and Charles in deep dolefulness. Soon after, Charles became king.

Characteristics - Ciaran Henderson

Full name: Ciaran Robert Marcus Henderson

Known as: Ciaran

Date Of Birth: 17.8.1969

Place Of Birth: Edinburgh, Scotland

Current Location: Galway, Ireland

Parents: Diana Henderson (born 1939 as Diana Cullen in Galway,Ireland), dressmaker

Robert Henderson (born 1935 in Edinburgh, Scotland), advocate

Married since 1960

Nationality: Scottish / Irish

Siblings: Maria, (*1964 + 1993)

Jacob, (*1969)

Elizabeth, (*1970)

Anne-Catherine, (*1972 + 1986)

Job: Artist

Relationship Status: Married (7.7.1994) with Anne Henderson

Children: Rosemaria (*1993), Joanne (*1995), Callum (*1998) and Georgiana (*2004)

Characteristics - Anne Henderson

Full Name: Anne Aurélie Henderson, born Thouvenout

Known as: Anne

Date of Birth: 23.1.1971

Place Of Birth: Lyon, France

Current Location: Galway, Ireland

Parents: Lucie Thouvenout (born 1947 as Lucienne Mercier in Paris, France), greengrocer

Philip Thouvenout (born 1940 in Lyon, France, died 2002), violin player

Married since 1965

Nationality: French

Siblings: Mathieu, (*1980)

Job: Dancing Master / Ballet dancer

Relationship status: Married (7.7.1994) with Ciaran Henderson

Children: Rosemaria (*1993), Joanne (*1995), Callum (*1998) and Georgiana (*2004)

Characteristics - Rose Henderson

Full name: Rosemaria Eve Elizabeth Henderson

Known as: Rose or Rosie

Date of Birth: 3.6.1993

Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland

Current location: Galway, Ireland

Parents: Anne Henderson (born 1971 as Anne Thouvenout in Lyon,France), dancing master

Ciaran Henderson (born 1969 in Edinburgh, Scotland), artist

Married since 1994

Nationality: Irish / French / Scottish

Siblings: Joanne, (*1995)

Callum, (*1998)

Georgiana, (*2004)

Education: Townsend Primary School (1998 - 2006)

Cavendish Secondary School (2006-2012)

Favourite subject: English

History: Rose was born 1992 in Ireland as child of the french ballet dancer (currently dancing master) Anne and the scottish / irish artist Ciaran. In the following eleven years her three siblings, Joanne (15), Callum (12) and Georgiana (6) were born. Georgiana is named after the Jane Austen-Character Georgiana Darcy. Since her early years Rose was known for her lovely Face and her buckles. In school she was a good pupil, most of the time a's and b's.

Rose's best friend is the young local actor Pete O'Dwyer, who is in love with her.

Rose likes to party with her friends, who are predominantly boys. Her only female friends are Lindsay and Abbey. Rose loves classical music and the music of the movie "Elizabeth -The Golden Age", which is her favourite movie. Rose already had two boyfriends. At the age of 14 she had a one year enduring relationship with Pete. One year later she was in love with William Bennet, who died at the age of 17.


In this blog I tell you the story of the 17-year old Rosemaria "Rose" Eve Henderson, a common girl from Galway, Ireland. When she walks home at night she meets a scary boy at a dark side street. As she notices that he walks afterwards she begins to run. Seconds later he catches her and the only thing she can feel is pain.

If you want to know how the story goes on, read this blog!